Changes afoot in the world of online streaming as Netflix announce that they will now allow you to download Film and Television to watch offline. The BBC iPlayer and Amazon Video have already been doing this for a while, but Netflix following suit is a pretty major deal. Exciting times! Especially now that Winter is Coming and temperatures are dropping. Perfect time for some binge-watching.
British Film Institute announces £500m 5 Year Plan To Increase Diversity
The BFI has announced a five-year strategy for UK film which includes an investment of nearly £500m to support film education, skills development and film funding with diversity high on the agenda.
Sounds like this is the perfect time to get involved in studying Film & TV Production at ELAM.
VR Games Competition December 1st
We will be hosting a PS4 Virtual Reality Games Competition in the Study Room all day tomorrow, feel free to pop in and try to set the fastest time and claim your prize! This is a good opportunity to come along and try out the PlayStation VR Kit.
Games, Film & TV Newsletter 29/11/16
Fantastic Beasts is the UK's number one film. Having made £8.8m at the weekend's box office.
Emily Blunt's character has been written out of Sicario 2, the sequel to the Academy Award nominated 2015 film.
Has Luke Skywalker's first line in next Star Wars film (Episode VIII) just been revealed?
Games Industry trade body UKIE has called on the government to help Britain become an 'eSports powerhouse'
Is the Nintendo Switch launch title going to see the cast of Super Mario in the world of Raving Rabbids? According to this video that Ubisoft might well be.
Think you're a committed gamer? This guy has just hit 'Max Level' on overwatch after 6 months of non-stop play putting in an estimated 1700 hours worth of gameplay.
Extra Credit Reading:
Can video games recreate life in a conflict-ridden city?
Why aren't there more interracial relationships on screen?
Final word:
If you're looking for a film to watch this week, why not try out Jim Jarmusch's new film Paterson, starring Adam Driver as a small-town bus driver with an interest in composing poetry. It has a warm heart and a low-key vibe that makes for very comforting viewing.
Women needed in Media
According to the latest reports only 19% of the creative industry workforce is female. This is compared to the UK workforce average of 45%. Women especially tend to be underrepresented in more technical roles where the figure is closer to 9%.
We want to redress this balance. We want women working in the media industry. We want female game makers and film-makers. We want to see the stories they will tell and the characters they will represent and the products they will create.
At ELAM we are doing our part. We are launching our Games Design courses and Film & Television Productions courses in September 2017 as part of our new Digital Media curriculum.
If you are a female gamer or a female film or television enthusiast, or if you know anyone who is, get on board and become part of our team.
ELAM Film Club
To celebrate our new BTEC Film and Television course, we have launched a film club where we show and discuss a series of interesting films. First up Whiplash and Amy.